Monday, November 23, 2015

The Guy who Gits it

I figured we might as well get it out of the way.
It's the thing many of us have done but we usually mention it with regret in our voice as we talk in a whisper  because we don't know how someone will view us from that point on:
The one night stand.
Yup. It happens.  Sometimes the date's a little lame, the guy still lives with his parents, and there is absolutely no future with the guy sitting across from you.  But despite all that, there's attraction.
I had a one night stand a few months back with a guy that I had nothing in common with but I found sexy.  It was fine to start but he kept saying "Git it, Girl! Git it!"
First of all, I was. I was gittin' it. I was Gittin it good.
Secondly, all this pressure to Git it made it a little difficult to stay focused on the task at hand.
"Git it, Girl!" is now one of the favorite things my group of girlfriends like to yell to me whether it's across the room at the gym, at the bar, or in an social setting where they want to see me blush and smile.

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